swift data

SwiftData Basics in 15 minutes

Intro to SwiftData - Model, Container, Fetch, Create, Update & Delete

SwiftData: A modern CoreData replacement

WWDC23: Meet SwiftData | Apple

1. SwiftData CRUD Operations

SwiftData Tutorial: How to Easily Persist Data in SwiftUI - Xcode 15 - Swift

WWDC24: What’s new in SwiftData | Apple

Introduction – SwiftData Starter Project 1/8

AgriSA: ‘Committee must bring context to GDP data’

Concurrency of SwiftData, by Donny Wals (English)

Introduction to SwiftData – iOS Development

Create your first app with SwiftUI and SwiftData

5. Swift Data One to Many Relationships

Relationships with SwiftData, SwiftUI, and @Query – SwiftData SwiftUI Tutorial 4/5

ULTIMATIVES SwiftData Tutorial - Deutsch

SwiftData with MVVM | Does it make sense?

SwiftUI Data Flow in iOS 17 - Observation & @Observable

Defining a data model with SwiftData – SwiftData Starter Project 2/8

Komplettes SwiftData Tutorial auf Deutsch - 2024

WWDC23: Model your schema with SwiftData | Apple

The Last SwiftData Tutorial You Will Ever Need

3 Easy steps to start working with Swift Data in your project #coding #programming

WWDC24: Create a custom data store with SwiftData | Apple

SwiftData Updates - Part 1: Mock JSON Data and PreviewModifier